Baked gnocchetti with cherry tomatoes and stracciatella.

DI admin | 7 Sep 2017


Thursday, gnocchi day. At last.

Divine, “creamy”, tasteful.

You need to have some time available but it will be absolutely worth it.

Baked gnocchetti with cherry tomatoes and stracciatella.



300g flour 00

1kg yellow flesh potatoes

1 egg

1 pinch of salt

200g stracciatella

100g fresh grated Parmigiano Reggiano

500g cherry tomatoes

1 garlic clove

150g olives



Extra virgin olive oil


Boil the potatoes.

Meanwhile, you can prepare the cherry tomatoes sauce.

Wash them and cut them in half or leave them whole.

Brown a garlic clove in a pan with a little oil and add them. At half time, add the olives and finish to cook. Adjust salt and when the fire is off, add a few basil leaves.

Drain the potatoes, peel them and mash them while still hot. Let them cool, then.

Make a mound with the flour and dig a fountain in it, then put the mashed potatoes in the middle together with a whole egg. Mix using hands.

Divide the dough into sausage-shape rolls, with the help of some flour.

Cut them with a knife and get the gnocchi of the lenght you prefer. Place them on a floured surface while cutting them.

Bring abundant water to a boil in a large saucepan, salt it and cook the gnocchi.

Drain the gnocchi as soon as they come up to surface and mix them carefully with the tomatoes sauce in a bowl.

Transfer everything in a baking tray and finish with grated Parmigiano Reggiano and sliced stracciatella.

Bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 220c in grill mode. A thin crust will form on the surface.

Serve the baked gnocchetti properly hot and “stretchy”.

Photo By Chiara Maci
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