Brazilian Pudding with condensed milk.

DI Chiara Maci | 11 Jan 2019

Have you ever made Brazilian Pudding with consensed milk?

Even easier than crème caramel.

Try it, it’s really very good.


395g condensed milk

395g milk

4 eggs

1 cup of sugar

Half cup of boiling water

– Melt the sugar into a pan, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

– When it gets golden brown, turn off the heat and add the boiling water gradually, stirring until the sugar melts completely.

– Put it back over heat and let it reduce for a few minutes.

– Pour the caramel into a 18/20 cm mold.

– Put the condensed milk, the normal milk and eggs into a container. Blend everything.

– When the caramel has cooled down, fill the mold up with the mixture.

– Take a larger baking tray and put the mold with the pudding onto it.

– Pour a little hot water in it to cook in a bain-marie.

– Put in oven for an hour at 180c.

– Do the toothpick test to check the cooking as for the cakes: if it is clean, the condensed milk pudding is ready.

– Let it cool down, pass a knife along the edge, turn it upside down and place it on a serving dish.

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