Roasted roll with Cervere leek, pistachio nuts and orange.

DI Chiara Maci | 17 Nov 2017


The scent of orange juice and zest and the peculiar sweet taste of Cervere leek for a roasted roll covered with pistachio grain to get a further crunchiness. Ready to put it in the oven?



1 BonRoll AIA

Pistachio grain as much as needed





Chilli pepper


1 Cervere leek

Extra virgin olive oil



– Heat a little oil evo in a pan. Add the leek cut into rounds and brown it. Adjust salt and pepper.

– Squeeze oranges to get about half a litre of juice.

– Melt a butter pat in a saucepan, add the orange juice and a little zest, oregano, a little chilli pepper, salt, pepper and the garlic squashed. Mix it all together.

– Cover the bonroll with the pistachio grain and lay it on a casserole  with a basis of leek.

– Cover with the juice and cook in oven for 70 minutes at 180°. 

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